February 22, 2025

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)

FERC Approves Annual Megawatt Cap for MISO Interconnection Queue
FERC has given MISO an all-clear to cap project hopefuls lining up for its overflowing generator interconnection queue at 50% of the RTO’s peak load.
Duke Energy Renewables
FERC Upholds $150K Penalty for Facility Misratings
NERC's monthly spreadsheet notice of penalty listed 22 infringements of facility ratings standards across multiple regions.
© RTO Insider LLC 
NEPOOL TC Votes Against Compliance Proposal for Interconnection Order
The NEPOOL Transmission Committee declined to support a compliance proposal from New England transmission owners for a recent FERC order preventing them from charging interconnection customers for operations and maintenance fees associated with network upgrades.
FERC Rejects Blanket Extension of MISO COD Deadlines for Gen Developers
FERC rejected MISO’s attempt to implement a blanket, two-year extension of commercial operation dates for generation developers that entered the interconnection queue about seven years ago.
Constellation, Calpine Propose Selling PJM Plants to Cut Market Power
Constellation and Calpine proposed selling off several PJM power plants in their merger application with FERC to quell any concerns with market power in some submarkets.
FERC Drops Consideration of GHG Policy Statement for Gas Infrastructure
FERC issued an order terminating its proceeding on the consideration of greenhouse gas emissions in natural gas infrastructure project reviews.
FERC Approves CAISO Energy Storage Bid Cost Recovery Changes
FERC approved CAISO’s tariff revisions related to real-time bid cost recovery rules for energy storage resources.
Voltus Files Complaint to Hit Brakes on MISO’s Stepped-up DR Testing
Voltus filed a complaint with FERC against MISO, alleging the RTO’s “11th-hour” changes in testing and contract proof requirements ahead of the spring capacity auctions will harm demand response resources and affect rates.
Nick Myers via X
Western Regulators Clarifying Their Role in Markets+
Arizona regulator Nick Myers, chair of the Markets+ State Committee, is drafting a document as part of SPP's compliance filing that better explains the role Western state commissioners will play in the day-ahead market's development and operations.
Cold Weather Standard Set for Posting
NERC's Standards Committee expects to have the latest version of the cold weather standard ready to post for a formal comment period by Jan. 27.

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