February 28, 2025

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)

NYISO Approves Update to Fast-start Pricing in Day-ahead Market
NYISO's Business Issues Committee voted in favor of proposed tariff revisions that would provide all fast-start resources with their physical schedules for the day-ahead market.
HDR Inc.
MISO Set on March Accreditation Filing, Stakeholders Push for Slowdown
MISO said it has landed on a final design in its quest to move to a sweeping capacity accreditation that will better measure generators’ availability based on predetermined risky hours.
Solar Energy Industries Association
FERC Rejects MW Cap, Approves MISO’s Other Stricter Interconnection Queue Rules
FERC didn’t completely buy into MISO’s package of stricter rules to lighten its gridlocked interconnection queue, rejecting the RTO’s proposed annual megawatt cap on project submittals.
Consumers Energy
MISO Ditching Never-used Weather Curve Offer Style
MISO said it will file by the end of the month to scrap a clunky and all-but-abandoned generator offer style from its tariff.
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FERC Partly Grants Challenges to AEP Rates

FERC partially granted two challenges arguing that AEP subsidiaries in SPP and PJM had not properly reflected the benefits of filing consolidated tax returns in their 2021 formula rates.

NERC Submits IBR Work Plan to FERC
NERC provided its plan for addressing FERC's directive to address reliability concerns with inverter-based resources.
Phillips: FERC to Issue Transmission Rule in ‘Very Near Future’
FERC Chair Willie Phillips expressed confidence that the commission will approve its NOPR on transmission planning and cost allocation this year.
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NERC Taking Comments as Winter Reliability Standard Deadline Looms
NERC is taking comments on a winter reliability standard for generators that has failed to clear its stakeholder process twice.
Congressional Democrats Urge FERC to Complete Transmission Rule
Congressional Democrats sent a pair of identical letters to FERC urging the commission to complete its transmission cost allocation and planning rule.
Christie Denounces Tx Incentive Process as FERC Approves More MISO LRTP Project Perks
Mark Christie used FERC’s latest order on transmission incentives to condemn the process as requests for incentives come in from several MISO’s long-range transmission projects.

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