October 1, 2024

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)

FERC Sets Niagara Mohawk Transmission Rate for Hearings
FERC set Niagara Mohawk's proposal to recover its small share of a larger public policy for hearings, as it was unable to determine whether the rate was just and reasonable.
U.S. Courts
Appeals Court Denies Review of SPP Z2 Charges
The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals has dismissed a review petition filed by petition by Xcel Energy and Kansas Electric Power Cooperative over FERC’s rejection of their rehearing requests related to SPP’s filed rate doctrine.
National Grid Renewables
Renewable Developers Challenge MISO’s Lower Congestion Limit
A group of renewable developers lodged a complaint at FERC over MISO’s pursuit of a smaller system impact threshold on interconnecting generation.
TVA’s Cumberland Coal-to-gas Plans Press on over Resistance
The Tennessee Valley Authority’s plan to swap a retiring coal plant with a new natural gas facility is making progress despite opposition from environmental groups.
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FERC OKs CAISO Interconnection Study Deadline Changes
FERC accepted CAISO's proposed tariff revisions following record-breaking numbers of interconnection requests in 2021 and 2023.
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Plan for GOP President: Cut Climate Programs, ‘Re-examine’ RTOs
If ex-FERC Commissioner Bernard McNamee has his way, the next president will eliminate the federal government’s climate programs and have FERC “reexamine” RTOs.  

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NYISO ‘Still Digesting’ FERC Order 2023
NYISO gave initial comments and reactions to FERC Order 2023, but remained reluctant to divulge too much during its TPAS meeting.
ITC Holdings
DC Circuit Rejects Appeal of SPP Zonal Criteria
The D.C. Circuit denied a petition to review FERC’s approval of SPP’s tariff revisions setting up a uniform planning criteria in each transmission zone to evaluate zonal reliability upgrades.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
FERC Interconnection Rule Sets Penalties, Ends ‘Reasonable Efforts’ Standard

FERC’s revamp of its generator interconnection procedures will impose penalties on transmission providers that fail to complete studies on time.

NAESB Forum Chairs Push for Gas Reliability Organization
The chairs of NAESB's forum on gas-electric harmonization said significant reforms may be needed to bring the two industries into alignment.

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