Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)

WPPI Energy
FERC: MISO’s 2030 Finish Date on Order 2222 Compliance not Soon Enough
FERC said MISO didn’t justify the need for an additional five-year gap between completion of its new market platform in 2024 and the first DER aggregation registrations in late 2029.
Big River Steel
IMM Presses MISO for New Rules After DR Market Gaming
MISO’s Independent Market Monitor suggests demand response offer floors and attestations of expected levels of energy consumption in the wake of a steel mill’s gaming of the demand response market.
Hecate Energy
FERC Denies Rehearing over SPP IC Costs
FERC has rejected a rehearing request by a solar developer that disputes SPP’s interconnection studies for the planned facility.
FERC Rules Against Additional Mystic Agreement Disclosures
FERC reversed its previous determination that “all interested parties can review and challenge Mystic’s revenue credits and tank congestion charges” in the annual true-up process.
FERC Responds to ISO-NE Rehearing Request on Order 2222
FERC agreed to delay the implementation date in the forward capacity market while clarifying that host utilities are not excluded from the flow of metering information to the RTO.
DTE Energy
MISO Defers Unpopular Capacity Accreditation Filing, Remains Committed to Design
MISO said it will push back a contentious filing for a new, marginal approach to capacity accreditation into early next year.
Transmission Expansion Runs into an Old Debate: Planning vs. Markets
Market Monitors Joe Bowring and David Patton have doubts about the wisdom of large-scale transmission expansions, warning they may crowd out market solutions.
FERC Reaffirms NYISO’s 17-Year Amortization, Dismisses Protests
FERC reaffirmed its support for NYISO’s 17-year amortization period in its installed capacity market, rejecting protests from state regulators and consumers.  
ISO/RTOs Oppose Call for Capacity Accreditation Tech Conference
A call for FERC to run a technical conference on capacity accreditation ran into a mixed reception, with the ISO/RTO Council saying it is too regional of an issue for the idea to have an impact.
NextEra Energy
Groups Seek Hybrid Exemption from MISO Ban on Renewables Supplying Ramping
Clean energy groups in MISO have told FERC it should rethink its support of a ban on renewable energy in MISO’s ancillary service market because the commission didn’t consider hybrid resources.

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