FERC Order 2222

The Clean Coalition
NYISO 10-kW Min for DER Aggregation Participation Riles Stakeholders
Stakeholders responded negatively NYISO’s proposal for a 10-kW minimum capability requirement for individual DERs to qualify for participation in aggregation.
Cummins Inc.
NYISO Proposes 10-kW Min. Capability Req for DERs in Aggregations
NYISO shared a proposal to set a 10-kW minimum capability requirement for individual distributed energy resources participating in aggregations.
NYISO Requests Extension, Clarification on Order 2222 Compliance
NYISO filed a request with FERC for a 90-day extension of the Aug. 16 compliance deadline for Order 2222 and a separate request regarding operating reserves.
AES Indiana
MISO Defends 2030 Completion for DER Market Participation
After stakeholder criticisms, MISO is insisting before FERC that it’s appropriate to take until 2030 to open its markets to aggregators of DERs.
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Overheard at MARC Annual Meeting 2022
Mid-America Regulatory Conference’s annual meeting tackled climate justice, workforce diversity, Order 2222 and the ongoing solar panel investigation.
FERC Partially Accepts NYISO Order 2222 Compliance
FERC accepted NYISO's Order 2222 compliance filing but directed the ISO to file revisions related to small utility opt-in requirements and other provisions.
Renova Energy
CAISO Order 2222 Filing Needs Some Work, FERC Says
FERC accepted CAISO's Order 2222 compliance filing but told it to submit revisions to its participation model for distributed energy resource aggregations.
PJM Responds to Market Monitor Recommendations
PJM responded to its Market Monitor’s latest recommendations, noting that many of the issues are in the scope of current stakeholder discussions.
MISO Stakeholders Protest RTO’s Order 2222 Implementation Timeline
Stakeholder groups, including state regulators, protested MISO’s FERC Order 2222 compliance filing, many indignant over the request to delay implementation.
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ISO-NE’s Order 2222 Filing Earns FERC Deficiency Letter
Order 2222 filings have been contentious in every region, including New England.

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