FERC Order 2222
NEPOOL's Participants Committee approved ISO-NE's proposal for allowing aggregated distributed energy resources to participate in the markets.
Resource adequacy concerns and market rules and transmission infrastructure to support state clean energy policies highlight the issues facing ISO-NE in 2022.
The ICAP/MIWG discussed rising energy prices, Order 2222 compliance, dynamically scheduling reserves and keeping critical infrastructure out of DR programs.
The NEPOOL Reliability Committee approved the Bay State Wind project’s request to increase its capacity by 40 MW, reflecting a move to larger turbines.
The NEPOOL Markets Committee approved ISO-NE’s proposed compliance filing to implement FERC Order 2222.
A new report from ACORE argues that industry needs to rethink the concept of resource adequacy to get more renewable energy online and decarbonize the grid.
With a filing due Nov. 19, NYISO presented stakeholders its draft responses to FERC’s data request regarding its Order 2222 compliance.
FERC approved a settlement between Southern California Edison and opponents that reduces potential costs and smooths the way for battery interconnections.
Coordinating grid operations with DER aggregation as directed by Order 2222 demands a bottom-up approach to avoid wholesale market inefficiencies, experts said.
Advanced Energy Economy on Tuesday hosted a panel of industry experts and regulators who evaluated the progress of RTOs/ISOs toward Order 2222 compliance.
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