March 10, 2025

FERC Order 2222

NEPOOL Markets Committee Briefs: Oct. 13-14, 2021
Stakeholders outlined their complaints with ISO-NE's proposed MOPR elimination and its compliance with Order 2222 at an in-person NEPOOL meeting.
Southern California Edison
Stakeholders Ask FERC to Support E&AS Market Changes
Panelists at a FERC technical conference on energy and ancillary services markets agreed that rules should be changed to incent new resource types.
MISO Draws on Storage Model for DER Aggregations
MISO will use its electric storage resource participation model as the basis for DER aggregation participation, scrapping an earlier plan.
FERC Asks Details from CAISO, NYISO on Order 2222 Compliance
FERC gave CAISO and NYISO 30 days to explain some details of the treatment of DER aggregations described in their Order 2222 compliance filings.
NEPOOL Markets Committee Briefs: Sept. 13-14, 2021
ISO-NE plans to discontinue feedback on three stakeholder proposals as part of discussions on eliminating the minimum offer price rule, the RTO told NEPOOL.
NYISO Rejects Most Comments on DER Treatment
NYISO rejected most comments on its treatment of distributed energy resources and aggregations, urging FERC to accept the its Order 2222 compliance filing. 
NEPOOL Markets Committee Briefs: Aug. 10-12, 2021
Stakeholders discussed ISO-NE’s revised proposal for FERC Order 2222 compliance and removal of the MOPR at NEPOOL's three-day summer meeting.
Pattern Energy
MISO Ponders Study Process for DER Aggregations
MISO said it will probably use its existing affected system study as a model to study interconnecting DER aggregations under FERC Order 2222. 
National Institute of Standards and Technology
ISO-NE Presents Revised Market Design Approach for Order 2222 Compliance
ISO-NE presented its revised Order 2222 compliance proposal to the NEPOOL Markets Committee, including changes to EAS market participation and more.
NRDC Urges EE Participation in NYISO ICAP Markets
NRDC delivered a presentation on energy efficiency participation in NYISO's ICAP markets, urging it be mentioned in a July 19 FERC Order 2222 compliance filing.

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