FERC Order 719
A group of demand response providers in PJM proposed adding two hours to the availability window that binds when the resource can be deployed by the RTO.
FERC has rejected a PJM proposal to rework the role of performance penalties in its capacity market and how the associated risks can be reflected in seller offers.
CPower hosted an event outside D.C. that charted the demand response's industry's evolution to a virtual power plant model that can help the industry manage the growing share of DERs coming onto the grid.
FERC reversed its ruling giving state regulators power to prevent demand response from participating in DER aggregations.
Demand response aggregator Voltus filed a complaint with FERC challenging the state opt-out provision in Order 719.
The EnVision Forum by FERC and the University of Kentucky’s Center for Applied Energy Research featured discussions on storage, markets and transmission.
PJM has backed off its suggestions that FERC revisit Order 719 and the relationship between RTOs and their Market Monitors.
Tension between PJM and certain states has not loosened, judging by comments made at a forum held by the Great Plains Institute and the Nicholas Institute.
RTO Insider responded to NEPOOL’s answer to protests that joined the publication in calling for open stakeholder meetings.
FERC claimed “exclusive authority” over the participation of energy efficiency in wholesale markets but preserved a carveout for Kentucky utilities.
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