As expected, PJM transmission planners said last week they will recommend the PJM Board of Managers approve FirstEnergy’s proposed $8 million congestion-relief upgrade in the MetEd zone.
News briefs on companies in PJM Interconnection: Dominion and FirstEnergy.
FirstEnergy's Don Miller, whose career wove in and out of PJM since the 1980s, is retiring.
PJM will approve only one of 17 congestion relief proposals submitted in September, saying most failed to provide sufficient benefits or targeted problems that were already addressed.
State briefs from around PJM's territory. Included this week are Delaware, Illinois, Maryland, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia.
PJM generators told FERC that it should go beyond PJM’s qualification rules for demand response providers — with some proposing that planned DR resources be banned from the capacity market.
State briefs from around PJM's territory. Included this week are Kentucky, Maryland, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Virginia.
State briefs from around PJM's territory. Included this week are Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia.
News briefs on companies in PJM Interconnection: Constellation NewEnergy, FirstEnergy, Duke, PPL and TVA.
AP South and the Cleveland Interface attracted the most attention in PJM’s inaugural window for proposed congestion relief upgrades.
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