Forward Capacity Auction (FCA)
FERC dismissed a challenge to the pricing rule for new generation in ISO-NE, which Exelon and Calpine had wanted tossed in advance of this week’s FCA.
FERC approved rule changes allowing ISO-NE grid operators to fully integrate demand response into their wholesale markets.
FERC rejected a challenge by NESCOE to recalculate the contributions of DR and distributed resources in advance of ISO-NE FCA 9.
FERC last week accepted a plan by ISO-NE to increase its scrutiny of energy importers to mitigate market power in its capacity auctions.
ISO-NE has underestimated the impact of distributed generation and its pay-for-performance (PFP) program on the upcoming FCA 9, state officials told FERC.
ISO-NE generators, including NEPGA, asked FERC to change the New Entry Pricing Rule and the Peak Energy Rent Adjustment ahead of February’s FCA 9.
U.S. Solicitor General Donald Verrilli said he will ask the Supreme Court to review an appellate court ruling voiding the FERC’s authority over DR in wholesale energy markets.
PJM’s Market Monitor overstepped its authority in calculating the capacity offer cap, but the RTO’s Tariff may need to be changed, FERC ruled.
Dynegy said last week it will seek to move its Illinois generation to PJM unless MISO changes its capacity market rules.
Market Monitor Joe Bowring and stakeholders representing load expressed doubts last week about PJM’s latest capacity market proposals.
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