generator interconnection queue
NYISO’s Management Committee voted unanimously to recommend that the Board of Directors approve Tariff changes to speed up the interconnection process.
FERC ruled six utilities have partially complied with Order 845, an initiative to increase the transparency and speed of the interconnection process.
NYISO’s Business Issues Committee voted to recommend the Management Committee approve Tariff changes intended to help speed up the interconnection process.
MISO is considering updating solar and wind generation dispatch assumptions in its reliability planning models with projections rather than historical data.
SPP CEO Nick Brown told the board and Members Committee that a recent FERC-NERC report confirmed the RTO’s position on MISO’s use of its system.
FERC accepted SPP’s proposal to refine its generator interconnection procedures by instituting a three-stage study process.
MISO is considering a fast-track process for “shovel-ready” generation projects in response to criticism its rules don’t work for renewables, which now represent almost 90% of the RTO’s interconnection queue.
SPP stakeholders approved changes to the RTO’s generator interconnection process to simplify what had become a burdensome process involving repetitive data.
FERC approved the MISO plan to cut some duplicate analyses from the first phase of its generation interconnection queue.
Infocast’s first SPP and MISO Markets Summit attracted participants and industry representatives from the RTOs’ footprints for panel discussions.
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