generator interconnection queue
MISO stakeholders are concerned over the RTO’s generator retirement proposal, saying it could result in conflicts over transmission interconnection service rights.
FERC ordered new rules to increase the transparency and timeliness of the generator interconnection process.
The SPP MOPC endorsed a rule change to address member concerns that the ITP Manual doesn’t appropriately capture purchase power agreement pricing.
Generation developers and transmission providers called for more direction from FERC to improve coordination of “affected system” studies.
EDF Renewable Energy has escalated its push to make MISO speed up the process for connecting new generation to the grid.
CAISO’s Board of Governors approved new generator contingency modeling, rules extending time for generator interconnections and EIM enhancements.
FERC approved ISO-NE’s proposal for clustering interconnection queue requests to relieve a backlog in the queue for northern and western Maine.
Joel Yu of Con Edison details the company's proposed reforms to NYISO's generator interconnection queue that he says will streamline new energy resources.
MISO briefed the System Planning Committee on next steps for the Duff-Coleman transmission project and the new generator interconnection queue rules.
Stakeholders working on the SPP Z2 crediting process met here last week to learn about how potential solutions might affect the RTO’s other functions.
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