generator interconnection queue
MISO said it will probably use its existing affected system study as a model to study interconnecting DER aggregations under FERC Order 2222.
MISO and SPP are asking for stakeholder ideas on how they can cost share joint transmission projects that allow new generator interconnections.
MISO and SPP's joint targeted interconnection queue study turned up the first transmission projects that could help generation interconnect near the seams.
Speakers on an ARPA-E Innovation Summit panel agreed that the transition to renewable energy will require an interconnected nationwide grid.
FERC stuck to its ruling approving Tri-State G&T’s transitional process for interconnection customers, overriding rehearing requests by solar developers.
Transmission will be key to unlocking benefits for consumers, FERC Chair Richard Glick said at the first session of PJM’s interconnection policy workshop.
Stakeholders endorsed PJM’s proposal for changes to the pro forma interconnection construction service agreement.
The PJM Planning Committee endorsed the RTO’s proposed “quick fix” solution to extend its deadline for responding to new transmission service requests.
Stakeholders endorsed PJM’s proposed solution to update the value of capital recovery factors at last week’s MRC meeting.
SPP's Markets and Operations Policy Committee discussed the RTO's generation interconnection backlog and its performance during February's cold snap.
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