generator interconnection queue

FERC Approves NYISO Waiver on Interconnection Study Requirements
FERC granted NYISO a waiver allowing a temporary suspension of tariff rules for its interconnection study processes to assist developers and facilitate a smoother transition to the procedures prescribed by Order 2023.
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PJM Initiates Transitional Interconnection Queue
PJM has begun working its way through 308 projects in its transitional generation interconnection queue, advancing it a step toward implementation of a clustered method of studying network upgrades.
Solar Energy Industries Association
FERC Rejects MW Cap, Approves MISO’s Other Stricter Interconnection Queue Rules
FERC didn’t completely buy into MISO’s package of stricter rules to lighten its gridlocked interconnection queue, rejecting the RTO’s proposed annual megawatt cap on project submittals.
Stakeholders Propose Amendments to ISO-NE Order 2023 Compliance
ISO-NE has proposed several deviations from the specific approach detailed in Order 2023, including a 270-day cluster study timeline instead of FERC’s 150-day timeline.
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Conditions Finally Reverted to (Somewhat) Normal for SPP in 2023
SPP chalked up numerous successes during 2023 without the effects of a global pandemic or severe winter storms.
MISO Champions Queue Crackdown as Stakeholders Blast MW Cap on Project Entries
Several MISO stakeholders took exception to the RTO’s proposal before FERC to cap the volume of interconnection requests it accepts annually.
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MISO’s More Stringent Interconnection Queue Rules Go Before FERC
MISO has put before FERC its package of changes meant to downsize its crammed interconnection queue.
ISO-NE Gives Update on Order 2023 Transition
ISO-NE outlined how FERC’s time extension for Order 2023 compliance will impact its proposal at a meeting of the NEPOOL Transmission Committee.
NextEra Energy
MISO: Attributes Work Won’t Result in New Obligations on Retirements, Interconnection Queue
MISO won’t place conditions on either queue entrants or generation retirements in its quest to maintain system reliability by prescribing generating attributes.
NYISO Stakeholders Question Proposed Interconnection Timelines, Deposit Rules
Stakeholders are concerned over NYISO’s proposed seven-day decision window and cash deposit requirements for interconnection applicants.

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