generator interconnection queue
SPP publicly alerted stakeholders it failed to conduct a tariff-required analysis of several GI queue study clusters during their effort to reduce the backlog of GI requests dating back to 2017.
Transmission development and siting reform were a central theme at the 2024 New York Energy Summit.
Interconnection requests across the U.S. shot up by 30% in 2023, with close to 2,600 GW of solar, wind and storage waiting to land a spot on the grid.
Stakeholders are still seeking clarity on details in CAISO’s plan to streamline its interconnection process after the ISO released its final proposal to address the issue after 10 intensive months.
NYISO informed the Transmission Planning Advisory Subcommittee and Electric System Planning Working Group it intends to seek a May 2 effective date for Order 2023.
FERC approved CAISO’s request to forgo this year’s process for taking interconnection applications, giving the ISO more time to study last year’s record-breaking number of requests.
FERC rejected challenges to its new generator interconnection rules under Order 2023, while making minor modifications and extending the compliance date.
FERC approved NYISO’s proposed tariff revisions aimed at enhancing the coordination between its interconnection study processes, minimizing redundant study evaluations and streamlining study processes.
The New York State Reliability Council Executive Committee approved for industry review two new proposed reliability rules aimed at revising NYISO’s transmission planning requirements to account for fuel shortages at gas-fired power plants.
The NEPOOL Participants Committee unanimously approved ISO-NE’s package of tariff revisions to comply with FERC Order 2023.
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