generator interconnection queue
Advanced Energy United has released a scorecard that ranks the seven domestic ISO/RTOs on their generator interconnection processes, finding room for improvement in every one.
An RMI study about grid-enhancing technologies on the PJM grid found they could save consumers hundreds of millions of dollars a year and speed renewable development.
FERC has allowed We Energies a MISO tariff waiver, making it simpler for the utility to trade gas for coal at its Oak Creek campus in Wisconsin.
CAISO wants to stop taking new interconnection applications this year as it works through the “unprecedented volume” of requests submitted for the previous study period.
NYISO informed the Interconnection Issues Task Force of its intention to no longer accept interconnection requests for its transitional cluster study after April 4.
MISO plans to revise its rules around commercial operation dates to allow interconnection customers to begin operating about a decade after they first enter the queue.
NYISO CEO Rich Dewey highlighted efficiency improvements and the challenges of the continued electrification at the Jan. 31 MC meeting.
MISO confirmed it likely will try again with FERC in the third quarter to apply an annual megawatt cap to its interconnection queue.
FERC granted NYISO a waiver allowing a temporary suspension of tariff rules for its interconnection study processes to assist developers and facilitate a smoother transition to the procedures prescribed by Order 2023.
PJM has begun working its way through 308 projects in its transitional generation interconnection queue, advancing it a step toward implementation of a clustered method of studying network upgrades.
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