February 24, 2025

Gordon van Welie

PJM Grid 20/20: Who Will Build the Pipelines?
Speakers at the PJM Grid 20/20 symposium discussed the challenges of the electric industry’s historic shift to natural gas.
Congressional Meeting Fails to Sway LaFleur on Capacity Results
A meeting among the New England congressional delegation, ISO-NE and FERC Chairman Cheryl LaFleur ended the way that it started: with LaFleur and the RTO defending rising capacity prices and the delegation unhappy.
Prices up One-Third in ISO-NE Capacity Auction
The ninth Forward Capacity Auction in ISO-NE saw prices increase by about one-third as 1,400 MW of new resources cleared to replace retiring coal plants.
ISO-NE CEO: Despite Mild Winter, Region Still Needs Infrastructure
The mild winter that has moderated energy prices in New England shouldn’t lull policy makers into complacence, ISO-NE CEO Gordon van Welie said.

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