Incremental Auction
FERC approved PJM’s request to retain 2,000 MW of capacity in yesterday’s third Incremental Auction for 2015/16 but rejected its request to purchase capacity outside of the RPM.
PJM says critics of its requests to safeguard capacity for the 2015/16 delivery year ignored the context of its filings with FERC.
A pair of requests PJM submitted to FERC to safeguard capacity for the 2015/16 delivery year drew a number of protests last week.
PJM rule changes since last year’s auction resulted in reductions in cleared generation imports and demand response. The mix of DR that cleared also changed, with more annual resources and less summer-only.
The 2017/2018 capacity auction cleared at $120/MW-day in most of PJM as restrictions on demand response and imports doubled prices in Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina and much of Ohio. Prices were essentially flat in the East.
The 2017/2018 capacity auction cleared at $120/MW-day in most of PJM as restrictions on demand response and imports doubled prices in Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina and much of Ohio. Prices were essentially flat in the East.
PJM rules are making it difficult for banks to purchase the capacity revenue from providers' streams, Citigroup Energy told the MRC last week.
Lacking consensus, PJM dropped plans for a vote on measures to prevent speculation in the capacity auctions, returning the issue to a lower committee.
Our summary of the issues scheduled for votes at the PJM MRC and MC on 11/21/13. Each item is listed by agenda number, description and projected time of discussion, followed by a summary of the issue and links to prior coverage.
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