February 23, 2025

Indianapolis Power and Light (IPL)

FERC Rejects Consumers Energy Bid for MISO Must-Offer Waiver
FERC denied Consumers Energy’s request for a waiver from MISO’s must-offer requirement, three weeks after approving a similar request by IPL.
IPL Wins Waiver from MISO Must-Offer Rule for Retiring Eagle Valley Units
FERC approved IPL’s request for a limited waiver from MISO’s must-offer requirement, relieving the company of having to purchase replacement capacity after its coal-fired Eagle Valley units retire in 2016.
Coal Plants Threaten to Shut Earlier to Avoid MISO Capacity Penalties
Generators that planned to retire coal-fired units ahead of the EPA's MATS extension deadline say they may accelerate retirements to avoid MISO penalties.
State Briefs
News briefs from the states within the PJM footprint. This week we include Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia.

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