January 19, 2025

integrated resource plan (IRP)

NY Considering IRPs for Gas Utilities
New York regulators have proposed natural gas planning procedures that could address how utilities balance infrastructure needs with GHG reduction goals.
Duke Plans for $59 Billion in Capital Investment
Duke Energy executives said they have put the challenges of 2020 behind them, predicting a 5 to 7% annualized increase in earnings per share through 2025.
Virginia Grades Dominion IRP Incomplete
Virginia regulators have graded Dominion Energy’s proposed integrated resource plan as incomplete, saying the company must provide more information.
Western RA Effort Could Wrest Some Control from States
A recent report concluded that a Western resource adequacy program could require state regulators & utilities to relinquish some control over IRP processes.
Study Proposes New Capacity Treatment for Oregon
Oregon should recognize the capacity contributions of all resources including variable renewables, according to a report commissioned by the state PUC.
Offshore Wind Looks at Crowded Future in New England
Offshore wind growth challenges are starting to appear as several large projects move toward completion in the mid-2020s, officials said.
MISO Winds down MTEP 20 Planning, Focuses on 2021
MISO is wrapping up its 2020 Transmission Expansion Plan and eyeing next year’s planning cycle, with more renewable energy predictions.
Study: Southeast RTO Would Cut Rates, Emissions
Southeast utilities could cut electric rates and emissions by joining an organized market, according to an Energy Innovation Policy & Technology study.
Dominion Undecided on FRR Option
Dominion told Virginia regulators it is undecided about whether to pursue an FRR or remain in the PJM capacity market, where new self-supply resources would be subject to the MOPR.
DTE to Cut Spending in Response to Pandemic
DTE Energy will cut $60 million in operations and maintenance expenses to counteract sagging energy sales caused by social distancing measures in Michigan.

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