September 27, 2024

interregional planning

MISO Readies JTIQ Filings, Hints at More Tx Portfolios with SPP
Two years after announcing its $1.8 billion Joint Targeted Interconnection Queue transmission portfolio with SPP, MISO is putting final touches on FERC filings to make it happen.
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MARC 2024 Displays Mixed Feelings on Transition Feasibility
The 2024 Mid-America Regulatory Conference showcased a tug-of-war of positivity and cynicism over meeting growing demand with a fleet that should evolve faster to meet clean energy goals.
Grid Strategies
Smaller Projects Expected from Maiden MISO-PJM Joint Tx Study
MISO told stakeholders not to expect sweeping, greenfield projects as a result of its new transfer capability study with PJM.
Northern Indiana Public Service Co.
MISO, PJM Agree to Perform New Type of Joint Transmission Study
MISO and PJM announced they will embark on a new joint transmission study in the latter half of this year that concentrates on upping their interregional transfer capability.
MISO, SPP Preparing Joint Tx Study’s Scope
MISO and SPP alerted stakeholders that their staffs have completed the annual issues review process and are developing a planning scope in their latest effort to find a suitable interregional joint project.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Stakeholder Soapbox: The Greatest Machine Needs a Tune-up
The U.S. power grid is no longer operating efficiently, and these inefficiencies are costing American consumers and threatening reliability, Clean Energy Venture Group's Nora Mead Brownell writes.  
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MISO, SPP to Conduct Interregional Study in 2024
MISO and SPP agreed to conduct another coordinated system plan study along their seam this year, although five previous studies have failed to produce a single interregional joint project.

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