September 30, 2024

ISO New England (ISO-NE)

ISO-NE Starts its Capacity Accreditation Journey
ISO-NE is leaning toward a marginal approach to resource capacity accreditation, but there's a year of stakeholder discussions ahead.
ISO-NE Weighs Reviving Reliability Programs for this Winter
ISO-NE is considering bringing back several past winter reliability programs ahead of possible tight conditions this year.
ISO-NE Summer Outlook Sunnier than Elsewhere, but not Without Clouds
New England is not facing the same warnings as other regions this summer, but severe heat could still force ISO-NE into emergency actions, the RTO said.
Fletcher6, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
FERC Accepts ISO-NE’s MOPR Transition Plan
FERC reluctantly accepted ISO-NE’s plan to remove its minimum offer price rule after a two-year transition period.
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Fears Already Mounting About Next Winter in New England
Energy sector leaders in New England are already warning of a grim possible scenario for next winter.
ISO-NE Offers up Governance Tweaks
ISO-NE is touting several “enhancements” to its current governance practices in a recent memo to state energy officials intended to appease frustration.
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State Regulators Weigh in on New England Pathways Study
Utility regulators from Maine and Massachusetts shared their thoughts on the path forward on Pathways.
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ISO-NE’s Order 2222 Filing Earns FERC Deficiency Letter
Order 2222 filings have been contentious in every region, including New England.
ISO-NE Elects Melvin Williams Jr. to Board
ISO-NE elected former DOE official Melvin Williams Jr. as a board member and re-elected board chair Cheryl LaFleur as it returned to 10 members from 11.
ISO-NE Network Briefly Knocked Down by Hardware Malfunction
A hardware malfunction took down a number of ISO-NE systems for six hours but the grid operator said there were no effects on power reliability.

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