ISO New England (ISO-NE)
ISO-NE projects shortfall risks from extreme weather events to be manageable this winter and expects market mechanisms to provide relief by encouraging fuel conservation and replenishment.
An ongoing labor dispute at the hotel hosting ISO-NE’s annual open board meeting drove sparse attendance and harsh criticism from members of consumer and climate advocacy groups.
Deep decarbonization of the New England grid will pose major challenges related to resource adequacy and market administration, ISO-NE concluded in the final report of its Economic Planning for the Clean Energy Transition study.
FERC Order 1920 compliance efforts are getting started, but some uncertainty looms over the rule with a rehearing order expected in the coming months and a presidential election that could change regulators' priorities.
Americans for a Clean Energy Grid released an update to its transmission planning report card. It includes recent policy changes from transmission planning regions, including Order 1920 compliance efforts.
ISO-NE is pausing its discussions with stakeholders on Order 1920 compliance due to uncertainty from outstanding rehearing requests, legal challenges and recent indications of potential updates to the order from FERC commissioners.
Sheila Keane of the New England States Committee on Electricity discussed the scope of ISO-NE's first longer-term transmission planning solicitation.
ISO-NE is working to add the capability to model preemptive actions to its probabilistic energy adequacy tool, the RTO told the NEPOOL stakeholders.
The New England states are planning to solicit project proposals to increase the region’s north-to-south transmission capacity, the New England States Committee on Electricity said.
ISO-NE is not planning to pursue the development of simultaneously clearing seasonal capacity auctions as part of its capacity auction reform project.
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