October 3, 2024

ISO New England (ISO-NE)

ISO-NE Order 841 Rehearing Request Denied
FERC rejected ISO-NE’s request to rehear its decision requiring the RTO to revise its energy storage rules to account for a resource’s state of charge in the day-ahead market.
NEPOOL Markets/Reliability Committee Briefs: April 7, 2020
ISO-NE’s wholesale market costs last fall declined 38% year over year to $1.5 billion, with both energy and capacity market costs decreasing significantly.
ISO-NE Sending 2 Energy Security Plans to FERC
ISO-NE will file two versions of its Energy Security Improvements market design with FERC after NEPOOL's Participants Committee approved a modified version.
Van Welie: ISO-NE Pandemic Transition Going ‘Smoothly’
ISO-NE CEO Gordon van Welie told the NEPOOL Participants Committee that the RTO's emergency operation procedures have been implemented smoothly.
FERC Reaffirms ISO-NE Winter Program Cost
FERC reaffirmed its conclusion that the results of ISO-NE’s 2013/14 Winter Reliability Program were just and reasonable despite the fact that the largest participants may have had market power.
NEPOOL Markets Committee Briefs: March 24, 2020
ISO-NE’s Energy Security Improvements initiative hit a snag when the NEPOOL Markets Committee failed to recommend it to the Participants Committee.
FERC OKs NETOs, Emera Maine Order 845 Filings
FERC accepted changes to the New England Transmission Owners’ interconnection study rules but ordered changes to the interconnection agreement.
ISO-NE Planning Advisory Committee: March 18, 2020
Stakeholders asking for information on proposals generated by ISO-NE’s first competitive transmission solicitation in December.
NEPOOL Reliability Committee Briefs; March 17, 2020
At the NEPOOL Reliability Committee, stakeholders pushed back on ISO-NE’s draft assumptions on improving system fuel security.
Overheard at NE Electricity Restructuring Roundtable
Some 375 people registered for Raab Associates’ 165th New England Electricity Restructuring Roundtable, held online in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

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