September 29, 2024

ISO New England (ISO-NE)

Z22, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Analysis Shows Potential of 4-Hour Batteries in Maine
New grid-scale battery storage in Maine would be cheaper than new fossil peaker plants when accounting for societal costs of air pollution and carbon emissions, according to a new report.
General Electric
FERC Approves Decrease in ISO-NE FRM Offer Cap
FERC approved a proposal by ISO-NE to reduce its Forward Reserve Market offer cap and delay the publication of offer data from four months to a year after each auction.
Still More Work for ISO-NE on Order 2222 Compliance
FERC accepted an Order 2222 compliance filing by ISO-NE while requiring the RTO to make an additional filing to detail deadlines for distributed energy resource aggregators to submit metering data.
NEPOOL Markets Committee Briefs: April 9-10, 2024
ISO-NE continued work on resource capacity accreditation changes, outlining how changes to the overall resource mix could affect the reliability value of different resource types.  
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Grid Operators Report Reliable Operations During Eclipse
Grid operators reported zero issues managing the bulk electric system as Monday’s total eclipse briefly shaded solar panels across ISO-NE, NYISO, MISO, SPP and ERCOT.
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Climate Activists Urge FERC to Reject Results of ISO-NE FCA 18

Climate activists from New England are calling on FERC to reject the results of ISO-NE’s Forward Capacity Auction 18, arguing the auction disproportionately favored fossil fuel resources.

NEPOOL PC Supports Additional Delay of FCA 19
The NEPOOL Participants Committee voted to support an additional two-year delay of FCA 19 to buy time for the RTO to develop and implement resource capacity accreditation changes and shift the overall timeline of capacity auctions.
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NEPOOL TC Approves Process for States’ Transmission Needs
The NEPOOL Transmission Committee voted to approve a proposal by ISO-NE and the New England States Committee on Electricity to create a new process to facilitate transmission investments that address state-identified, long-term needs associated with the clean energy transition.
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NE Energy Officials Stress the Need for Dispatchable Resources

As intermittent renewables proliferate in New England, the region must do a better job incentivizing reliable, dispatchable resources that can support the grid as it decarbonizes, speakers at a Raab Associates roundtable said.

ISO-NE to Study Offshore Wind Points of Interconnection
ISO-NE is planning to study the effects of shifting two offshore wind points of interconnection from Maine to Massachusetts and conduct a preliminary analysis of offshore wind interconnection points across the region.

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