Joe Bowring

Has Dynamic Pricing’s Time Come?
Price-responsive demand has long been supported by economists, but despite the significant investment in advanced meters, it has yet to take off.
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PJM MIC Briefs: April. 12, 2023
The PJM Market Implementation Committee overwhelmingly voted to endorse manual revisions to put limits on when generators can submit real-time values.
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PJM, Stakeholders Present Initial Capacity Market Proposals to RASTF
PJM presented a preliminary proposal to overhaul its capacity market to the Resource Adequacy Senior Task Force.
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PJM Stakeholders Debate Capacity Auction Delays
PJM stakeholders appeared split over proposals to delay the RTO’s capacity auctions to include market rule changes being considered by the Board of Managers.
Monitoring Analytics
PJM Monitor: Rise in Fuel Costs Led to Record-high Prices in 2022
Average PJM LMPs doubled to a record-high $80/MWh last year, driven mostly by coal and natural gas prices, the RTO’s Independent Market Monitor reported.
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PJM Board Initiates Fast-track Process to Address Reliability
PJM’s Board of Managers is opening an accelerated stakeholder process to address rising reliability concerns about the RTO’s capacity market.
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PJM OC Briefs: Feb. 9, 2023
PJM and its IMM gave first reads of their proposals exploring whether generators should be permitted to recover upgrade costs for some critical facilities.
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PJM Stakeholders Discuss Capacity Market Changes After Winter Storm
PJM's Independent Market Monitor has proposed a plan to eliminate performance assessment intervals and related penalties from the RTO’s capacity market.
Berkeley Study Finds Rising PJM Interconnection Costs
A new study found that interconnection costs have been steadily rising for decades in the PJM region and are disproportionately high for renewable resources.
PJM Decides Against Posting Indicative Capacity Auction Results
PJM backtracked on posting “indicative” results of the 2024/25 capacity auction in the face of stakeholder opposition.

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