load forecasting
A roundup of news from the PJM Planning Committee and TEAC on Dec. 3, 2015.
FERC rejected a request by consumer advocates that it force PJM to update its 2015 peak load forecast using recent modeling enhancements to prevent over-procurement of resources in this year’s capacity auctions.
A summary of measures approved by the PJM Markets and Reliability Committee on Nov. 19, 2015
A roundup of news from the PJM Planning and Transmission Expansion Advisory committees on Nov. 5, 2015.
A summary of measures discussed and approved by the PJM Markets and Reliability Committee on Oct. 1, 2015.
A round-up of news from the PJM Planning Committee on Sept. 10, 2015.
ERCOT's seasonal assessments of resource adequacy for the fall and winter predict enough generation available to serve forecasted peaks.
A round-up of news from the PJM Planning Committee on April 9, 2015.
FERC has approved changes to NYISO credit requirements to protect the ISO from defaults by market participants that under-forecast their loads.
PJM is reducing its load forecast for 2018 by 2.6%, due in part to a temporary change in modeling that aims to address over-forecasting in recent years.
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