February 25, 2025

load forecasting

Changes to PJM Load Forecast Cuts Benchmark Peaks
A new PJM load forecast methodology cuts projected peaks for several key benchmarks by 3.5% or more.
PJM Markets and Reliability Committee Briefs
A summary of measures approved by the PJM Markets and Reliability Committee on Dec. 17, 2015.
PJM Markets and Reliability Committee Preview
Our summary of the issues scheduled for votes at the PJM MRC on Dec. 17, 2015.
PJM Planning Committee and TEAC Briefs
A roundup of news from the PJM Planning Committee and TEAC on Dec. 3, 2015.
FERC Denies Consumer Reps’ Complaint, Upholds PJM’s Load Forecasting
FERC rejected a request by consumer advocates that it force PJM to update its 2015 peak load forecast using recent modeling enhancements to prevent over-procurement of resources in this year’s capacity auctions.
PJM Markets and Reliability Committee Briefs
A summary of measures approved by the PJM Markets and Reliability Committee on Nov. 19, 2015
PJM Planning Committee TEAC Briefs
A roundup of news from the PJM Planning and Transmission Expansion Advisory committees on Nov. 5, 2015.
PJM Markets and Reliability Committee Briefs
A summary of measures discussed and approved by the PJM Markets and Reliability Committee on Oct. 1, 2015.
PJM Planning Committee Briefs
A round-up of news from the PJM Planning Committee on Sept. 10, 2015.
ERCOT Expects Sufficient Generation for Fall, Winter
ERCOT's seasonal assessments of resource adequacy for the fall and winter predict enough generation available to serve forecasted peaks.

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