March 11, 2025

load-modifying resource (LMR)

MISO Narrowing Options on Resource Availability Fix
MISO leadership has not yet decided on how it can improve resource availability, though it is evaluating several possible remedies, the RTO said.
MISO Sees Small Chance of Fall Emergency Procedures
MISO has sufficient resources available to cope with warm conditions this fall, although there is a risk it may be forced to order emergency procedures.
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Supply Sufficiency ‘Hot Topic’ at MISO Board Week
MISO Advisory Committee members discussed how to ensure sufficient energy supply at the RTO’s Board Week.
MISO Players Probe Causes of Increasing Emergencies
Officials at MISO Board Week meetings pondered why the RTO is likely to face an increasing frequency of emergency conditions in the near future.
MISO Mulls Additional Emergency Communication
MISO is asking stakeholders if they would like the RTO to provide generators an additional emergency notification declaring a maximum generation alert.
MISO Looks to Address Changing Resource Availability
The MISO Reliability Subcommittee (RSC) discussed a recent RTO white paper on resource availability, including the increasing frequency of max gen events.
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Overheard at GCPA MISO South Conference
Competitive transmission, hurricane forecasts and maximum generation alerts were among the topics at the GCPA MISO South regional conference.
4 LMRs Face Penalties after MISO Max Gen Emergency
Most load-modifying resources called up during the MISO April 4 maximum generation event failed to respond properly to scheduling instructions.
MISO Market Subcommittee Briefs
MISO last month called on load-modifying resources for the first time in 10 years after it declared an unusual mid-spring maximum generation emergency.
MISO Market Subcommittee Briefs
The MISO Market Subcommittee on Feb. 2, 2016, discussed Tariff revisions to extend the day-ahead market, interface pricing and EEE flags.

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