loss of load expectation (LOLE)
Conventional capacity resources in MISO will now have to prove full deliverability before collecting maximum capacity credits, FERC said.
MISO should have adequate capacity to navigate winter but could still face abnormal weather-related outages or a load-shedding event.
PJM stakeholders endorsed an installed reserve margin of 14.4%, down from 14.8% in 2019, along with new winter weekly reserve targets.
MISO's resource adequacy staff is considering multiple options to implement a sub-annual capacity mechanism.
SPP stakeholders once again took a crack to resolve a weighty issue in determining how futures will be considered in the RTO’s 2021 transmission plan study.
MISO said it continues to weigh changes to its markets and resource adequacy construct as part of its multiyear resource availability and need project.
Stakeholders are divided on whether MISO has conducted enough analysis to justify adopting seasonal capacity auctions and loss-of-load expectation studies.
Stakeholders asked if MISO’s new long-term generation outage policy played a role in driving up Michigan capacity prices in the Planning Resource Auction.
MISO is contemplating creating a seasonal design for its resource adequacy construct to manage potential reliability risks outside of the summer months.
The Infocast ERCOT Market Summit brought together nearly 300 industry representatives and policymakers to discuss the Texas grid and challenges it faces.
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