loss of load expectation (LOLE)

Trade Group Lodges Complaint over MISO Capacity Rules
The Coalition of Midwest Power Producers filed a complaint with FERC alleging MISO is improperly accounting for the deliverability of capacity resources.
MISO to Continue Resource Adequacy Talks in 2019
MISO discussed what resource availability and need solutions it will focus on next year, including improvements to the Planning Resource Auction.
MISO Concurs with Monitor Ideas, Pledges More Study
MISO officials say they will follow through on most recommendations in its Independent Market Monitor’s 2017 State of the Market report.
MISO LOLE Study Overestimates Auction Capacity
A recent MISO study slightly overestimated actual capacity offers in the 2018/19 Planning Resource Auction.
Stakeholders Urge MISO to Reconsider Seasonal Market
The MISO Reliability Subcommittee’s resource availability and need effort could revive a discussion on developing a capacity market divided by season.
NYISO Board Rejects Appeals on Capacity Votes
The NYISO Board of Directors has rejected two appeals of Management Committee votes on capacity zones and locational capacity requirements.
MISO Renewable Study Predicts Later Peak, Narrower LOLE Risk
Increased renewable power integration will shift the peak load in MISO to evening hours, with a spikier but shorter daily loss-of-load risk.
MISO Resource Adequacy Subcommittee Briefs: April 11, 2018
MISO is switching gears on a previous proposal to discontinue its practice of forecasting long-term capacity import and export limits.
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MISO Resource Adequacy Subcommittee Briefs: Feb. 7, 2018
Preliminary estimates show that MISO’s capacity requirements and available supply for the 2018/19 capacity auction will be in line with last year’s figures.
Stakeholders Seek Load Discussion in PJM DR Task Force
State and consumer representatives asked for education sessions during the first meeting of PJM’s new Summer-Only Demand Response Senior Task Force.

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