September 29, 2024

loss of load expectation (LOLE)

MISO 2017/18 Planning Reserve Margin at Nearly 16%
MISO will have a 15.8% planning reserve margin for the 2017/18 planning year, up slightly from last year, according to the RTO’s loss-of-load-expectation study.
PJM Operating Committee Briefs
At last week's PJM Operating Committee, members endorsed PJM’s 2016/17 winter weekly reserve targets, but not without first questioning them.
ERCOT Maps out Plan for Changing Reserve Margin Methodology
Texas regulators signed off on ERCOT’s plan to review its reliability standards and replace its loss-of-load expectation methodology for determining its reserve margin with one based on economics.
MISO Resource Adequacy Subcommittee Briefs
MISO’s forward capacity auction proposal for merchant supply is close to being filed with FERC, and the RTO is using the final weeks to make presentations to support its stance.
PJM Planning Committee TEAC Briefs
PJM is seeking stakeholder feedback as it considers a redesign of the Transmission Expansion Advisory Committee. 
MISO Moves Forward on Auction Design; Seasonal Filing Delayed Again
MISO will not yield on a planned July filing for capacity auction design changes, while a filing to add seasonal and locational constructs will be delayed.
SPP Board of Directors Briefs
The SPP board of directors' approval of the RTO’s first reduction in its planning reserve margin since 1998 almost left members wanting more.
SPP Capacity Margin Task Force Shares ‘How Low’ Reserve Margin Can Go
The SPP task force updating the RTO’s planning reserve margin requirements shared its draft report on loss-of-load expectations.
MISO Seasonal Procurement, Site Auctioning Proposals Face Opposition
MISO officials outlined proposals to boost its capacity resources, winning support for efforts to streamline the generator interconnection process and redraw its zonal boundaries to reflect constraints.
NYISO Ordered to Begin Stakeholder Initiative on Long Island Capacity Zone
FERC ordered NYISO to begin a stakeholder proceeding to resolve a dispute over the installed capacity market on Long Island, which was excluded from a previous attempt to address transmission congestion in the areas around New York City.

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