LS Power
Massachusetts electric distribution companies have been authorized to take on up to 40% of a two-part, $1.7 billion clean energy project in northern Maine.
ISO-NE will start 2023 like it starts every year: worrying about the winter weather.
A panel of energy experts took ISO-NE’s capacity market to task, lambasting the region’s Forward Capacity Market and offering ideas about how to improve it.
The PJM Planning Committee reviewed a slate of proposals to address capacity interconnection rights for effective load-carrying capability resources.
As ISO-NE continues to hack away at the complicated process of updating its capacity accreditation method, the grid operator is turning its attention to gas.
LS Power was unsuccessful with the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals in separate attempts to force MISO to open more projects to competition.
AEE and LS Power urged ISO-NE to consider a broader range of possible approaches to capacity accreditation.
Stakeholders urged regulators to defer approval, outright reject or refer to NYISO’s public policy tx planning process Con Ed’s proposal for a new substation.
Industrial energy users and other ratepayers are balking at FERC’s proposal to abandon Order 1000’s competition measures.
LS Power seeks a measured phaseout of natural gas generation, saying an immediate switch to carbon-free sources will cause chaos and undermine climate efforts.
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