Mark Christie
FERC commissioners weighed the pros and cons of Western regionalization, which one commissioner likened to dating, at the CREPC-WIRAB spring meeting in Nevada.
FERC received passionate testimony from panelists at its roundtable on incorporating environmental justice and equity into its infrastructure permitting.
FERC issued MISO a show-cause order saying it appeared to violate its tariff by failing to publish a system-wide unforced capacity ratio ahead of its auction.
FERC released its State of the Market report, which showed some of the highest natural gas and power prices in years.
FERC granted two sets of incentives to Dayton Power and Light for transmission upgrades across Ohio.
ISO-NE has more work to do to comply with Order 2222, FERC said, faulting its metering and participation rules for DER aggregations.
FERC approved PJM’s request to revise its capacity rules to avoid a fourfold price increase in DPL South, rejecting complaints of retroactive ratemaking.
FERC accepted revisions to PJM’s tariff that the RTO proposed via its Quadrennial Review of the parameters underlying its Reliability Pricing Model auctions.
FERC ordered two new NERC reliability standards in response to the February 2021 winter storm that nearly led to the collapse of the Texas Interconnection.
FERC approved Great River Energy’s request for transmission rate incentives for two MISO Multi-Value Projects it is working on.
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