Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities (MA DPU)
The adoption of simple near-term rate reforms could help Massachusetts achieve its electrification goals while minimizing effects on ratepayers, an interagency working group concluded.
After negotiations extending well past the end of the formal legislative session, Massachusetts lawmakers are nearing passage of a wide-ranging climate and energy bill.
In a reflection of broader disagreements across the New England energy landscape, speakers at a Northeast energy conference presented divergent visions of the future role of natural gas.
Increasing electricity prices must be met with a greater effort to reduce peak loads and protect low- and moderate-income ratepayers, several Northeast utility regulators said at Raab Associates’ New England Electricity Restructuring Roundtable.
The Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities approved grid modernization plans from electric distribution companies to handle increasing electrification and the deployment of distributed resources.
With the end of Massachusetts’ legislative session looming, lawmakers are on the clock to reach an agreement on a major climate bill centered around clean energy permitting and siting reform.
The Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities has expedited the state’s review process for municipal aggregation plans.
Top utility commissioners from four New England states emphasized the need for regulatory innovation to preserve affordability amid the clean energy transition at the New England Energy Conference and Exposition.
Angst over looming load growth, cost increases and reliability headaches headlined the 76th annual New England Conference of Public Utilities Commissioners Symposium.
The Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities approved agreements between Constellation Energy and the state’s investor-owned gas utilities to keep the Everett LNG import facility operating through May 2030.
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