January 22, 2025


Experts Call for Tx Reinforcements, Microgrids in Gulf System After Ida
Experts say the electric grid needs heartier construction, new technology and microgrids to reduce outages from increasingly common severe weather events.
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Microgrids Face Cost, Valuation Challenges
“Public purpose” microgrids are struggling because of high costs and the lack of a widely accepted resilience metric, speakers told NARUC.
In Maine’s GridMod Movement, Innovating on Flexibility Gains Traction
A growing interest in grid flexibility looks beyond demand management to accommodate and balance distributed generation and loads.
Con Edison
Con Edison CEO Sees Company Future in Clean Energy
Con Edison is staking its future on clean, emissions-free energy, going “all-in” on electric vehicles, energy efficiency and storage, CEO Tim Cawley said.
PJM MRC/MC Briefs: April 21, 2021
Stakeholders endorsed PJM’s proposed solution to update the value of capital recovery factors at last week’s MRC meeting.
NC Bill Would Provide Funds for Climate Resilience
Three Democratic North Carolina senators introduced SB509, which aims to pour $4 million into community microgrids and other local resilience projects.
NC Microgrids Improving Grid Reliability and Resilience
North Carolina’s electric cooperatives are outdistancing the state’s investor-owned utilities in microgrid deployment.
RI Seeks Munis’ Input on Microgrid Funding
Rhode Island is seeking input from municipalities to ensure a plan to fund community microgrids meets their needs.
Calif. PUC Orders $200M Microgrid Incentive Program
The California PUC ordered utilities to hasten the creation of microgrids, including establishing a $200 million incentive program for high risk communities
PJM Operating Committee Briefs: Dec. 3, 2020
The PJM Operating Committee endorsed new microgrid rules and received a briefing on the RTO's plans for handling the pandemic in 2021.

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