Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO)
FERC was not persuaded by environmental nonprofits, utilities nor Mississippi regulators to order MISO to rework the sloped demand curve it’s been cleared to use in the spring capacity auction.
MISO experienced an October peak load of 84 GW, which was lower than its 99-GW peak during the same period in 2023.
Four environmental nonprofits insist MISO’s recently approved capacity accreditation is incomplete unless the RTO details how it will conduct its loss of load modeling the new approach relies upon.
MISO further embraced the industry’s move to chance-based transmission planning by hosting a Probabilistic Planning Symposium at its headquarters.
MISO hopes to file a proposal in February to create an exclusive, faster route through its interconnection queue for generation projects that are key to maintaining resource adequacy.
The Louisiana PSC has taken first steps to consider Entergy’s request to power a proposed $5 billion AI data center in north Louisiana with $3.2 billion in mostly natural gas generation.
By the Organization of MISO States’ count, MISO is up to nearly 13.6 GW of distributed energy resources in the footprint.
Stakeholders want MISO to develop a smaller, congestion-relieving transmission study after this year’s near-term congestion study focused on how best to sequence transmission outages needed for construction of long-range transmission projects.
MISO expects to roll out a new flag system by June 2025 to give a stronger indication when generation owners are deviating from dispatch instructions.
FERC approved tariff revisions and modifications to the joint operating agreement between MISO and SPP that will enshrine a structural and cost-allocation framework for the five projects in their Joint Targeted Interconnection Queue portfolio.
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