Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO)
MISO is holding to its plan to enact a widescale marginal capacity accreditation while swapping risky hours for peak load to calculate its reserve margin requirements.
In the wake of MISO’s first seasonal capacity auction, members have asked the RTO to improve its generator outage rules, preliminary data sharing and the registry tool used to track capacity.
MISO’s Independent Market Monitor reported that the RTO’s financial transmission rights market came up short by more than $60 million this spring.
MISO South regulators publicly opposed a postage stamp cost allocation design, potentially setting the stage for a showdown as MISO prepares for a third long-range transmission portfolio.
FERC approved changes to MISO and SPP’s affected system study process to allow either RTO to order upgrades of limiting elements on tie lines.
Interconnection costs are on the rise across the U.S., according to a Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory analysis of thousands of projects in five organized electricity markets.
MISO’s IMM debuted five new recommendations as part of his annual State of the Market Report, as multiple suggestions were aimed at maximizing transmission utilization by clamping down on wind-related congestion.
Stakeholders asked for cost containment measures for MISO's and SPP’s Joint Targeted Interconnection Queue portfolio after the RTOs said the cost estimate for the projects nearly doubled.
May in MISO proved no trouble for control room operators.
The clean energy organizer for the Alliance for Affordable Energy said there’s a lack of accessibility within MISO for individual ratepayers to make their opinions heard on grid decisions that affect them.
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