Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO)

MISO Switches to In-house Load Forecasting to Gauge Soaring Demand
Facing proliferating load additions, MISO has begun developing in-house long-term load forecasts after years of relying on outside help to form load outlooks.
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MISO Closing in on New LMR Accreditation
MISO said it will finalize an availability-based accreditation for nearly 12 GW of load-modifying resources over the first quarter of 2025 ahead of a filing with FERC.
MISO Assessment Calls for 17 GW in New Resources Annually
MISO said members must add an “unprecedented” 17 GW in new resources annually over the next two decades to reliably meet demand and decarbonization goals.
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Vistra Extends Baldwin Coal Plant Operations as MISO RA Risk Climbs
Vistra is extending the life of its coal-fired Baldwin Power Plant in Illinois through 2027 amid MISO delivering warnings over a supply crunch in its footprint.
Cost Overruns on Project in 1st LRTP Prompt MISO Analysis
MISO will examine one of the long-range transmission projects from its first portfolio following a cost increase of more than two and a half.
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FERC Seeks Nearly $1B in Penalties from EE Provider in MISO, PJM
FERC has ordered American Efficient to defend its energy efficiency programs in PJM and MISO or pay a $722 million penalty and return $253 million in profits to ratepayers.
MISO, SPP to Revise Joint Agreement, Focus on TMEP Process in 2025
MISO and SPP staff told stakeholders that they will not perform a Coordinated System Plan in 2025 but will accept transmission issues for their annual review early in the year.
MISO Decides Against Revising Guiding Principles
MISO said it will leave the 10-year-old guiding principles for its market design untouched after it conducted a check-in with stakeholders to gauge whether they are still valid in a rapidly changing industry.
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Voltus Seeks Ability to Replace Customers in MISO DR Aggregations
Voltus filed a complaint at FERC over MISO's interpretation of a recent rule change that led the grid operator to stop accepting replacements for customers who sign up to provide demand response but retire.
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Exiting MISO President Proud of Tx Trailblazing, Says Load Growth Doable
MISO President Clair Moeller predicted MISO will face a few tough years before securing enough generation to tame load growth and fashioning operational tools that help subdue the volatility of renewable energy.

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