Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO)
Three Indiana utilities could save customers a combined $73 million if they ditched plans to build new gas plants and invested in battery storage, report says.
MISO said it hasn’t yet settled on a deadline for developers to submit generation project applications under the 2023 interconnection queue cycle.
MISO released details about how it will administer cost allocation on the $1 billion Joint Targeted Interconnection Queue portfolio of 345 kV projects.
A new report from the American Council on Renewable Energy recommends MISO make multiple edits to its markets to take advantage of a shifting resource mix.
MISO laid out why it needs a 2nd LRTP portfolio, saying it will connect hundreds of gigawatts of new resources in the next 20 years to avoid reliability crises.
MISO is proposing to eschew a total subregional cost allocation in favor of a half-regional, half local zone cost sharing plan.
FERC denied Tenaska’s rehearing request over alleged curtailment of its Clear Creek Wind Farm, maintaining the company did not provide sufficient evidence.
NextEra Energy is continuing its efforts to salvage the only competitive regional transmission project MISO has recommended in its South region.
FERC approved MISO’s reworked ratio for use in its capacity auction a day before MISO began accepting offers on the postponed auction.
An Iowa Utilities Board member said regulators are determining how the state Supreme Court’s temporary reversal of ROFR legislation will affect incumbent TOs.
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