Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO)
FERC ordered show-cause proceedings for Commonwealth Edison’s formula rate protocols, saying that they may not provide adequate transparency.
Two ITC staffers insist that MISO’s 2016 market efficiency project is proof that rights of first refusal laws benefit the grid and ratepayers.
MISO can officially abandon the only competitive transmission project it has ever assigned to its South region, FERC ruled last week.
MISO tried to quell unease over its intended capacity accreditation with a stakeholder workshop to show that its proposal lines up with a new report.
A USEA media briefing addressed the “crisis ahead for electric utilities" as policymakers seek to decarbonize the grid while electrifying the economy.
The likelihood of a sloped demand curve in MISO’s capacity market earned seals of approval from panelists at GCPA’s 9th Annual MISO/SPP Regional Conference.
Panelists at the GCPA conference linked long queue waits, major transmission expansion, reliability worries and the inexorable takeover of renewable energy.
MISO and SPP said DOE has signaled that grid operators and their state commissions can move forward with a full application for funding from the GRIP program.
MISO said it experienced a “complete loss of monitoring or control capability” at its control center on March 1, setting off short-lived energy imbalances.
DERs are still a couple years away from actually participating at the wholesale level as FERC works on RTO and ISO compliance with Order 2222.
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