March 10, 2025

Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO)

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MISO Unveils New Seasonal Auction Timeline, Ratio
MISO will fire up its capacity auction machinery beginning April 18 after it was forced to delay the auction last month on a FERC order.
Grid Strategies
Grid Strategies Reports Spiking Congestion Costs
The cost of transmission congestion doubled in organized electricity markets between 2020 and 2021, rising by billions of dollars, according to Grid Strategies.
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MISO Defends New Curb on Director-Regulator Meetings
MISO calls a board interaction rule change that places limits on MISO board member and regulator meetups necessary, but a few state regulators are skeptical.
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DER Experts Give MISO Aggregation Pointers
With MISO still years away from allowing DER aggregators to fully participate in its markets, the RTO hosted experts to discuss best practices and data sharing.
FERC OKs Partial Settlement in Entergy Grand Gulf Row
FERC OK'd a partial settlement that resolves some city and state commissions’ longstanding allegations of overcharging at Entergy’s Grand Gulf Nuclear Station.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
LBNL: Interconnection Queues Grew 40% in 2022
LBNL's annual report on interconnection queues showed continued growth in capacity waiting to connect to the grid, even as 2 markets restricted new applicants.
Brosz Engineering
FERC Accepts Unexecuted Agreements Filed in Protest
FERC accepted unexecuted network upgrade agreements for wind farms in the Dakotas and Minnesota despite uncertainty over who should finance the upgrades.
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SPP Briefs: Week of March 26, 2023
FERC OK'd Public Service Company of Colorado's request to participate in SPP’s Western Energy Imbalance Service market while ordering a market analysis.
MISO Says 2022 Value Proposition Tops $4B
MISO said it created more than $4 billion in value for its members during 2022, with most of the savings related to its large geographic footprint.
Vistra, EPSA Protest MISO’s Show-cause Order
Two competitive electricity organizations have protested FERC’s show-cause order to MISO that will ultimately downsize resources’ capacity accreditation values.

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