Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO)
MISO said a spring under typical demand and generation outages shouldn’t prove much trouble.
State legislatures across MISO are undertaking a flurry of activity on rights of first refusal legislation as major transmission planning surges.
FERC shut down a pair of requests for exemptions from a resource availability cutoff under MISO’s new availability-based accreditation method.
Entergy has asked FERC to exclude some of its power plants from rules contained in MISO’s new availability-based accreditation method.
NextEra Energy Transmission and the Southern Renewable Energy Association are asking FERC to intervene in a last-ditch effect to save the only competitive transmission project ever approved for MISO South.
MISO can continue as planned with its seasonal capacity auction and availability-based resource accreditation, FERC ruled, rejecting rehearing requests.
MISO issued a breakdown of unplanned generation outages during Winter Storm Elliott, showing substantial unavailability across natural gas generation.
Industry experts at NARUC's Winter Policy Summit discussed needed improvements in gas-electric coordination after recent winter weather events.
FERC ruled that MISO generation owners must now give a year’s advance notice to the grid operator before they can retire or suspend resources.
Stakeholder committee chairs restored a MISO stakeholder governance group to manage matters related to the RTO’s stakeholder governance guide.
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