Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO)
MISO’s preliminary MTEP 23 is set to double spending, driven by a record number of baseline reliability projects in MISO South.
MISO said it will begin discussions on inverter-based resource performance requirements in spring as the entire industry inches toward standardization.
FERC approved Great River Energy’s request for transmission rate incentives for two MISO Multi-Value Projects it is working on.
FERC approved MISO’s Transmission Owners’ request to eliminate reactive power compensation for generators, cutting a $220 million annual revenue requirement.
The Solar Energy Industries Association lodged a complaint at FERC against MISO’s practice of blocking intermittent resources from its ancillary service market.
ALLETE and Grid United are teaming up to build a first-of-its-kind line that would span across interconnections and through three electric regions.
MISO planners emphasized that its hypothetical map of projects is not what a final second portfolio could look like under its long-range transmission planning.
SREA said Duke Carolinas' and TVA's holiday blackouts were likely avoidable had they built robust transmission links and had better access to organized markets.
MISO and SPP said they plan to treat Joint Targeted Interconnection Queue projects as large generator interconnection projects when allocating costs.
Researchers at Berkeley Lab say growing renewable generation mean it’s likely time to retool the design of financial transmission rights in wholesale markets.
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