Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO)
FERC continues to sanction MISO’s separate-but-equal postage stamp rate that is divided between its Midwest and South regions for major transmission buildout.
MISO and PJM will opt for one small interregional project this year through their Targeted Market Efficiency Project study.
The coming decade will see “extraordinary reliability challenges and opportunities” amid rapid changes in the North American electric grid, NERC staff said.
MISO and SPP announced that they will not pursue any small interregional projects next year from their first Targeted Market Efficiency Project study.
In a workshop, FERC commissioners and stakeholders debated the pros and cons of requiring minimum transfer capability between regions to promote reliability.
MISO and SPP have again come up empty in their fifth effort to find interregional projects to solve congestion along their seams.
MISO reported a later completion of its market platform replacement and added two new members while members installed new Advisory Committee leadership.
MISO members agreed that the future generation mix is arriving faster than previously thought during a “mind the gap” Advisory Committee discussion Dec. 7.
MISO gave its board a first look at its contentious concept map of line ideas under the second phase of its long-range transmission plan.
MISO mostly sailed through fall, encountering rough patches only when unseasonably warm weather clashed with generator maintenance season.
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