Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO)
Months before MISO debuts a seasonal capacity auction, its IMM said he has uncovered a faulty assumption behind the seasonal capacity requirements.
MISO transmission owners have filed with FERC to eliminate all reactive power and voltage control charges from their own and affiliated generation resources.
MISO said its members may need to build up to 200 GW in new installed capacity by 2041 to meet reserve requirements while achieving renewable targets.
MISO is releasing preliminary design details as it angles for a sloped demand curve in its capacity auction.
MISO said it “largely agrees” with the five new market recommendations issued by its Independent Market Monitor this year.
MISO is proposing a round of elimination and biennial reviews of its “parking lot” list of improvement ideas, with some stakeholders putting up resistance.
FERC must better explain its decision to give MISO TOs unilateral authority to finance upgrades needed to interconnect generation, the D.C. Circuit said.
MISO announced that it will add an informational study on near-term transmission congestion to its 2023 cycle of transmission planning.
MISO fired up the second phase of its long-range transmission planning by debuting a theoretical map of projects that proved divisive with stakeholders.
Todd Hillman, MISO’s senior vice president, will end his tenure at MISO in the new year to become CEO of Sunflower Electric Power Corp.
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