Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO)
MISO can establish a seasonal capacity auction and accreditation but cannot require a minimum capacity obligation, FERC ruled in a pair of orders.
Memphis Light, Gas & Water's leadership said that a long-term energy contract with TVA is a safer alternative than joining MISO and generating its own power.
Again this fall and winter, MISO will ask its thermal generators for fuel supply information via its weekly fuel surveys.
A federal appeals court has ruled that Texas’ right-of-first-refusal law violates the dormant Commerce Clause, granting NextEra's appeal of the legislation.
MISO is collecting stakeholder suggestions on what design elements it should include in a new cost allocation for future projects in its LRTP.
To decrease congestion, MISO is suggesting a tighter limit on how much new generation can affect the surrounding grid without triggering more network upgrades.
A MISO staff planning committee has determined that the $130 million, 500-kV Hartburg-Sabine Junction project in East Texas is no longer necessary.
MISO's Regional Resource Assessment found there will be a persistent risk of capacity shortfalls as fossil plants retire and more renewables come online.
MISO and SPP have laid out a percentage-based cost allocation for their $1-billion Joint Targeted Interconnection Queue transmission study.
Entergy countered claims recently made to FERC that it is purposefully undermining transmission planning in MISO South.
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