Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO)
Memphis Light, Gas and Water’s hopes to leave the Tennessee Valley Authority for MISO could be dashed on high inflation and interest rates.
MISO and the Organization of MISO States’ 2022 resource adequacy survey again sounded the supply alarm rung from the 2022/23 capacity auction results.
MISO is proposing a makeover of its generator retirement studies that includes more notice and stiffer adherence to local reliability requirements.
Stakeholder groups, including state regulators, protested MISO’s FERC Order 2222 compliance filing, many indignant over the request to delay implementation.
Clean Grid Alliance asked MISO to consider penalty-fee withdraws for advanced-stage interconnection projects saddled with expensive network upgrade costs.
Michigan Tech researchers find that nearly 1000 abandoned and flooded mines in the U.S. have the potential to become long-term pumped storage facilities.
A draft version of MISO’s MTEP 22 calls for $3.8 billion in spending over 364 new transmission projects in the footprint, stakeholders heard.
MISO intends to adjust the time it allows itself to retroactively correct market pricing errors, stakeholders learned during a Market Subcommittee meeting.
MISO will limit when some resources can use an emergency commitment status outside of emergency conditions, hoping to prod a more available resource fleet.
MISO members are voting whether to recommend MISO’s $10 billion long-range transmission buildout to the RTO’s board as staff make final pitches for the project.
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