Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO)
MISO’s ongoing market platform replacement project is focusing on a one-stop model manager, new energy management system and day-ahead market clearing engine.
MISO leadership met with staff from Memphis Light, Gas, and Water, who are mulling a split with the Tennessee Valley Authority.
MISO's sprawling, long-range transmission portfolio now stands at $10.4 billion.
At a quarterly review of markets, MISO said an increasingly precarious load-supply balance is here to stay.
MISO has again pushed back the date it will recommend $13 billion dollars’ worth of long-range transmission projects to its board of directors.
Vistra said that its board of directors has named current CFO Jim Burke as its next CEO effective Aug. 1, replacing Curt Morgan after a transition period.
MISO is seeking final stakeholder opinions before it makes an April filing to comply with FERC’s directive that RTOs open wholesale markets to DER aggregations.
In comments on a FERC technical conference, NERC said it welcomes market-based enhancements to the reliability of the power grid.
MISO said it intends to sunset its longstanding stakeholder group dedicated to the grid operator’s loss-of-load expectation calculations.
PJM stakeholders endorsed an update to the generation deactivation process as some members asked the RTO to slightly modify the proposed timing language.
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