Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO)
MISO will have a draft portfolio of billions of dollars’ worth of long-range transmission projects by the end of the month.
Electric cat, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
AEP said it intends to sell some or all of its unregulated contracted renewable resources and redirect the proceeds to its transmission assets.
Chairs of MISO’s stakeholder committees this week elected not to adopt rules to regulate stakeholder presentations in meetings.
Three regulatory bodies are demanding an explanation for FERC’s apparent delay in addressing a complaint about the management of a Mississippi nuclear plant.
MISO is debuting more online interactions after instituting fewer stakeholder committee meetings at the beginning of the year.
SPP is working to strengthen its relationship with public interest organizations in addressing the evolving grid and its continued focus on decarbonization.
MISO and PJM are assessing the need for an interregional study and transmission plan this year.
The Midwest has become ground zero for the future of transmission policy because of incumbent TOs' stifling control, R Street Institute's Devin Hartman says.
MISO and SPP said that they will create a Targeted Market Efficiency Project study process to look for even more interregional project opportunities.
PJM will present stakeholders with study results that seek to explain potential upgrade requirements stemming from the RTO’s generator deliverability proposal.
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