Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO)
MISO warned about possible maximum generation emergencies should high load and high outages collide this spring.
MISO has FERC permission to whittle its generator interconnection from more than 500 days to a single year for some willing interconnection customers.
MISO said the transmission line behind its path linking the Midwest and South regions has been out of commission since late 2021 and is set to stay on outage.
MISO said it and the OMS’ annual resource adequacy survey will transition into a seasonal format following its implementation of four-season capacity market.
FERC issued two deficiency letters to MISO over the grid operator’s plans to institute a four-season capacity market and a minimum capacity rule.
MISO announced Wednesday that it saved its members upwards of $3 billion over the course of 2021.
Transmission construction & MISO market facelifts can help the Midwest reliably adjust to a new resource reality, panelists said during an EBA teleconference.
MISO’s subregional cost allocation plan for its long-range transmission projects found both devotees and critics at FERC this week.
With winter largely behind it, MISO staff last week told stakeholders that winter fuel security surveys are to become an annual fixture.
Dozens of Montana organizations are demanding that NorthWestern Energy decarbonize by 2035, years ahead of its new midcentury target for net-zero emissions.
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