Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO)

East St. Louis School District 189
DC Circuit Sides with Public Citizen over 2015 MISO Capacity Auction
The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals agreed with Public Citizen that FERC hasn't explained why it continues to uphold the expensive Southern Illinois capacity price produced in MISO’s 2015/16 capacity auction.
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MISO Stakeholders Demand Breather on Seasonal Auction, Accreditation
Stakeholders want more time to hammer out the details of MISO's four-season capacity auction and seasonal reliability targets.
Entergy Mississippi
Mississippi PSC Audit Questions MISO Membership
The Mississippi Public Service Commission is using an audit of MISO membership to question whether Entergy Mississippi should remain among the RTO’s membership, attracting blunt criticism from several renewable energy organizations.
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MISO Stresses DR Capacity as Emergencies Accumulate
MISO staff have characterized LMR use as accessing the capacity that members make available to them, de-emphasizing emergency protocols.
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Midwestern Grid Operators Battle Summer Heat
SPP, ERCOT and MISO are all taking action this week to meet high demand as sweltering summer temperatures kick in.
MISO Dusts off MVP Cost Allocation for Long-range Tx Plan
MISO revealed that it will use the cost allocation devised for 2011's Multi-Value Project portfolio for its long-term transmission plan.
FERC Upholds Decision on MISO-SPP Overlapping Charges
FERC has upheld its order that MISO and SPP fix their overlapping congestion charges on pseudo-ties despite a rehearing request from MISO.
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ACORE Panelists: Resilient Tx Needed for Severe Weather
Major transmission construction will help the grid tolerate increasingly severe weather, panelists said at a recent ACORE webinar.
South Regulators Lambast MISO Long-term Tx Planning
State commission staff from MISO South questioned MISO's long-range transmission plan at an Entergy State Regional Committee meeting.
Texas Admin Monitor
Texas Public Utility Commission Briefs: July 15, 2021
Texas PUC staff and ERCOT staff have been "living on coffee and anger" as they work together to redesign the state's deregulated market.

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