March 10, 2025

Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO)

© RTO Insider LLC
MISO Manages Typical March
MISO is experiencing minimal COVID-19 impacts on load and demand is essentially back to normal, an RTO official said last week.
NextEra Chief Declares ‘Love’ for GridLiance Tx Assets
NextEra Energy said its acquisition of GridLiance furthers its strategy to be “North America's leading competitive transmission provider.”
MISO Report Focuses on Electrification’s Impacts
Within 20 years, increasing electrification could have MISO members building hundreds of gigawatts of new generation, a new report says.
Overheard at GCPA’s MISO-SPP Forum
The Gulf Coast Power Association’s MISO-SPP Forum gathered the RTOs’ leadership and stakeholders for wide-ranging discussion.
SPP MOPC Briefs: April 12-13, 2021
SPP's Markets and Operations Policy Committee discussed the RTO's generation interconnection backlog and its performance during February's cold snap.
FERC OKs MISO Agreements Following TO Funding Ruling
FERC approved several interconnection and facilities service agreements submitted by MISO to comply with a 2019 commission ruling.
MISO: Market System Replacement or 841 Compliance
MISO’s leadership has offered additional justification on its request to delay until 2025 incorporating energy storage resources into its markets.
MISO, SPP Ordered to Resolve Overlapping Charges
FERC ruled last week that pseudo-tied loads and resources between MISO and SPP are subject to overlapping congestion charges.
MISO Places 4-month Hold on Seasonal Auction, Stricter Accreditation
MISO postponed filing tariff revisions to implement 4 seasonal capacity auctions and impose a more rigorous accreditation process on participating resources.
UPDATED: MISO Capacity Auction Values South Capacity at a Penny
MISO’s ninth annual capacity auction cleared MISO South zones — two months removed from emergency load shed orders — at just a penny/MW-day.

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